Part 2:
Before we had Kason fully diagnosed we went through months of wondering. Like mention before in Part 1 we had no idea what was lying ahead of us, we just did what we though was best for our child and what the doctors told us.. After Kason's surgery on his adenoids and tonsils we had noticed that his breathing at night was still raspy and very congested. We assumed it was a Pollen issue and that we would only need testing for seasonal allergens. What we did not expect was when Kason had his allergic reaction to peanuts. I assumed that day his asthma was really bad so I gave him Benadryl and his rescue inhaler. A week we are in the clinic having his RAST ( Radioallergosorbent) test done . I was nervous because we already had so many restrictions with his skin being so bad, foods would cause us even more. Faithfully we went forward and avoided the already known allergy to peanuts. During the time we waited for his results we noticed for the first time in his life his skin did not require the extreme amounts of steroid creams and the snoring once prevalent was now a light muffled snort. Two weeks later we had the results and everything started to make sense. His peanut levels where high like we had thought, but so many other foods where too.. A week later we are back at the doctor with his results and he orders Kason to go see an allergist. After the first visit we where again at a Lab doing another blood test (ICAP) , one that was supposed to narrow down his allergens so we could get what answers we needed. Two weeks later the same thing happened , another overwhelming amount of foods that we could not feed our sweet boy until we could do the scratch test. About a week after the results we where back with the allergist and he went ahead and ordered the prick test.. I had to wait three agonizing months before we would know for sure what our sweet boy could not eat. In that time we went through a full on anaphilactic response to garlic ( what i thought at the time was the milk) and I had to give my first epi pen. The weeks became months and it was time to go in for the test. It was laid back and Kason didn't mind it till they poked his back with the racks of the allergens and the hives started to show up.. His back looked like a war zone , hives and red spots.. I was finally given the list and while I was expecting nuts I was taken aback on how allergic he was to all of them.. How many times had I fed him nuts and never knew.. Could that be the reason why his skin was so bad? I was also told not to feed him Oats and Garlic and all nuts and a few others. I was told I could do dairy , but it had to be lactose free. I was thrilled by the release of his once VERY restricted diet. We wjere well on our way to being again able to enjoy the thing that scared me the most.. Food....
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