I know it's not going to be that easy though, someday we will have another reaction. Some day I will be holding his hand asking him to be strong and fight! His father had the same struggles as a child. Needless to say my husband never told me this. I had my own struggles with the same thing and I am 25. I have had a few close calls with my newly diagnosed food allergies.. We have had many nights where a epi pen hovers over his leg. I wanted to sign him up for T ball , but that will have to wait till he is a bit older.. Most days it's just hard to get out the front door without an asthma treatment. He is strong and he knows it. I just hope he will fight hard when the time comes. I hope he won't tell me he is to tired to fight. He told me last night that he hated having food allergies and that he wishes God didn't give them to him.. My son.. The fighter he is, finally broke down and said I am angry. I reminded him that not everything and not everybody has a normal life.. I reminded him I am walking hand and hand with him... He will never be alone..
Last night as he slept I made a picture of him.. See to me he is my superhero.. His big blue eyes and his little smile is enough to remind me that superheroes don't always wear capes.. They are normal humans with the power to impact hearts !! I know some people say not to say your child is a superhero because it makes false ideas in your head, and when they do not make a goal then it changes your view of them.. That's not true.. I see him as a person that has fought and won battles, that has his weaknesses and he has had down times before.. He has never failed however to touch the hearts of others.
With all this I leave you all this
God gives us children to love and to hold, some are healthy and some arnt.. But to a mother their child will always be perfect.. Because he made them and designed them and he makes all that is perfect.. He made my son the way he wanted to.. He made my son the way his is!! I only was the vessel to bring his sweet spirit into human form....
This is so incredibly sad. I am a registered naturopathic dietician and I know that there IS a cure for food allergies. I have helped many clients heal, including children. You have to start by strengthening the junctions in the intestinal barrier and this will also stregthen the immune system. Antibiotics and medications will only make your children sicker because they destroy the intestinal lining and the immune system. Why haven't you taken your children to a doctor of naturopathic medicine? It would only take a few months for your children to improve. They don't have to live like this. This is your fault. Why are you making them suffer? I suspect that you are intentionally keeping them sick so that you can get sympathy and attention. I think you have Munchausen syndrome. You need help and I am very concerned for your children. I'm sure many other people see this too.